Randvaal Tehuis is a registered NPO (Non Profit Organisation). The Committee also thought it wise to register as a PBO (Public Beneficiary Organisation). This allows a taxpayer, which includes an individual, trust or company, to make a bona fide donation in cash or of property in kind, and is then entitled to a deduction from the taxpayer’s taxable income. Randvaal Tehuis will issue a section 18A receipt to the value of the donation.


Donate –Donations can be made either in cash / monthly debit order or in goods, projects and improvements. Every effort to assist us is greatly appreciated and the Committee has a clear objective to use donations for the Residents of the Home and are transparent to give feedback to Donors what their donations are used for.


Volunteer Opportunities – Volunteers may not be able to make a monetary donation, but they have hearts with compassion and therefore bring their time. They can visit the elderly, spend quality time with the elders, listen to their stories, sing and dance for them, do their nails, cut their hair, hand and foot massage and just make them to feel loved. Many of the elderly is in need of just a nice chat and companionship. Volunteers are welcome and appreciated to make themselves available to make the residents feel special.



Sponsorship – Individuals and Companies can contact us and participate in our “Adopt a Granny” initiative. (Please contact the Randvaal Tehuis for more information). Sponsors are always welcomed to assist with day to day requirements such as adult diapers, toiletries, medical/elder assistance equipment, bed linen etc.


Psalm 71:9 Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails.